Crate training is a way to housetrain your dog by teaching it to accept a dog crate or kennel. "...Most people believe that it must be crucial to get dog training tips preceding to having their pets. Many people could find this fascinating but a lot of people can recognize that this is a top notch tip to follow. The challenge with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be cautious of them. In the end, they would probably depart their pets in order to bring back their old lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have to handle and if they have the time to train their dogs. These tips will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By taking the time to execute appropriate dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of peaceful companionship with your ".... According to the Humane Society, crate training utilizes your dog's natural instincts to dwell within a den. The crate helps to decrease the possibility of accidents in the house and provides your pet with a relaxing and safe environment. If you are considering crate training your dog, keep in mind that the best and most successful techniques require your patience and encouragement.
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Prepare the crate. Make a comfortable den environment for your dog. Place the crate in a location where your family normally gathers, such as a kitchen or family room. Add blankets and a chew toy.
2Allow your dog to explore. Open the door of the crate, place a few treats inside and walk away. If your dog approaches, allow it to enter when it is ready to do so. If your pet does not enter at first, do not force the issue. When the dog does enter, praise it and offer another treat; do not close the door. Repeat this for several days or until your pet is comfortable entering the crate.
3Close your dog inside of the crate. Onceit is comfortable entering the crate, gradually move your pet's food inside. After your pet has had several successful feedings while inside the crate, casually close the door while the dog is eating. For the first attempt, open the door immediately once your pet has finished eating. Each time you feed your dog, Increase how long the it stays inside the crate, until the animal is able to remain within for 10 minutes after eating.
4Help your pet adjust to being inside the crate at times other than feeding. Provide your dog with a one-word command associated with entering the crate. Point to the crate and say the command. If needed, place your pet in the crate several times to help make the association. Praise your dog when it enters and give it a treat. Close the door. Remain near the crate for several minutes before walking into another room for a minute or two. Return to the room and wait another few minutes, then open the crate; again praise and reward your pet. Repeat this process several times a day until your dog is able to stay alone in the crate for up to 30 minutes.
5Leave your dog in the crate while you are gone. The first time you leave your pet alone, make your trip a short one. Do not immediately open the door when you return. Allow your pet to calm down first, then release and praise it. Take your dog immediately outside to eliminate. Leave it in the crate overnight. If your pet is a puppy, keep in mind that its bladder is still small; puppies generally need to eliminate every two to four hours.
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