Some dogs bite, growl and snap at their owner's hands while being fed, known as dog food aggression. Showing aggression -- even if only at feeding time -- can lead to potentially dangerous, violent behavior. It must be stopped as quickly as possible. Most often, it is as simple as finding out why the dog is aggressive during meal time and eliminating the stimulant. But it also requires training to show the dog who's boss.
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Choose a new feeding area. With two or more dogs, select separate feeding areas and keep the dogs separate to avoiding feeding competition. If the dog still seems nervous, feed it in a latched kennel to calm its fears of having its food stolen.
2Feed in a quiet area. Ask the kids to leave the dog alone during feedings. Dogs often get nervous around children running and screaming through a household.
3Feed on time. Establish a feeding schedule if one is not already in place. Ask a veterinarian for the best feeding schedule to fit a dog's size, weight, age and health. A dog finds comfort in knowing that at a certain time it will be fed, and that it need not be competitive or aggressive for the food.
4Be the "alpha male," DogProblemSolutions advises. The dog needs to know that the owner is "top dog" in the household, and that the owner provides all meals. Once this is recognized, the dog will stop aggressive behavior to ensure it gets fed.
5Reinforce dominance at meal time. If the dog bites, take the food away until it displays good behavior, such as sitting on command or other submissive behavior. Establish dominance in another way by placing food in the dog's bowl, but do not allow the dog to eat out of the bowl. Pick up one or two pieces at a time and feed them to the dog. "...Many people consider that it must be essential to get dog training tips prior to having their pets. Lots of people might find this interesting but a lot of people can agree that this is a wonderful tip to follow. The challenge with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they might abandon their pets in order to reestablish their past lives. These dog training tips can let people understand what they need to handle and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These guidelines can be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform suitable dog training, you will delight in a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... Praise the dog each time for taking the food politely. Do this one or two meals a day, mixing with normal feeding.
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Ok so I realize looking at this picture that these totally look like dog biscuits and your dog would not mind eating these at all. I think to remedy the dog
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