Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How to Potty Train Boxer Dogs

They may be prone to slobbering, but boxers are inclined to keep their dens clean. When you bring your boxer puppy home, your job is to help it understand that all of the indoor areas of your home are part of the "den." With some close supervision and the use of a dog crate of appropriate size, your boxer should pick this up pretty quickly.



    Purchase a dog crate for your boxer. Be sure to get one that has a movable partition, because before you know it your boxer puppy will weigh about 75 pounds. While you're at the pet store, pick up a container of smell eliminator spray. It is much more effective at getting rid of urine odor after potty-training accidents than a conventional cleaning solution. Conventional cleaners mask the smell for a human nose, but your boxer might be able to detect it and become confused, thinking that the spot behind the sofa is the designated potty site.


    Watch your boxer puppy carefully and don't let it wander around without your supervision. When supervision is not possible, return the puppy to the crate. Don't worry about the puppy feeling trapped, because the small space in the crate provides the sensation of being in a den, and you will find that your boxer will naturally return there to sleep at night.


    Designate a spot outside where you want your boxer puppy to relieve itself. Take your puppy there frequently.


    Pace near your boxer or walk in circles around the designated spot. Simultaneously repeat a phrase command so that your boxer can hear you, something like "let's go" or "good spot."


    Praise your boxer enthusiastically after a successful elimination. Boxers are generally very intelligent and sensitive to human emotion, and they will respond well to praise. If your boxer does not eliminate, do not be disappointed. Take it back inside (remember, always under supervision or in the crate) and try again in 20 minutes.


    Keep your boxer in the crate at night. "...Some people think that it is necessary to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Some individuals might discover this fascinating but a lot of people may agree that this is a wonderful tip to follow. The situation with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they could get away from their pets in order to bring back their past lives. These dog training tips can let people realize what they need to handle and if they have the time to coach their dogs. These hints could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform correct dog training, you will enjoy a lifetime of relaxed companionship with your ".... You will probably need to wake up once or twice in the early stages to let your puppy out, but this period will pass quickly. Be sure you do not feed your boxer too close to bedtime, and take away the water for the night.

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