Dogs bark to communicate, and any dog can become an excessive barker. Certain breeds are more prone to this irritating habit than are others. For a quieter canine companion, choose breeds that are less likely to bark, and use training techniques that keep your pet under control.
Breeds to Avoid
Terriers, herding dogs and beagles are likely barkers as being vocal is part of their breeding. Yorkshire terriers, cairn terrier, fox terriers and West highland white terriers are among the biggest barkers, note authors Benjamin and Lynette Hart in "The Perfect Puppy: How to Choose Your Dog by Its Behavior." Many small dogs, such as the Chihuahua, silky terrier, Pekinese, miniature and toy poodles, bark a lot, too.
Quieter Breeds
Dog breeds that do not bark often include bloodhound, golden retriever, Newfoundland, Akita, rottweiler or Chesapeake Bay retriever, say the Harts. Basenji is the only dog breed that does not bark. They do produce a yodelinglike sound, notes the American Kennel Club. Most dogs will bark at some point in greeting or to protect their territory.
Why Dogs Bark
Any breed of dog may be conditioned to bark excessively for attention, or due to anxiety and separation anxiety. "...Most people think that it must be necessary to get dog training tips prior to having their pets. Many people might discover this interesting but a lot of people could concur that this is a very good tip to follow. The issue with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to be cautious of them. In the end, they would probably depart their pets in order to bring back their past lives. These dog training tips can let people find out what they should take care of and if they have the time to teach their dogs. These suggestions can be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to execute suitable dog training, you will get pleasure from a lifetime of comfortable a relationship with your ".... Dogs bark in response to unfamiliar stimuli, such as cars or other dogs, or to defend their territory. A dog may bark to simply greet you or another animal. Compulsive barkers that just keep going are usually responding to other dogs they hear in the neighborhood, even those relatively far away.
Discouraging Barking
Avoid rewarding a dog for barking. If a dog successfully barks for treats, attention or a walk, it will engage in such behavior regularly. If you frustrate your dog by confining it to a small kennel or tying it up restricting movement, you might invite barking. If you have a dog that does not usually bark but suddenly starts, it might be suffering from pain or an illness. For help with incessant barking due to behavioral issues, consult a professional dog trainer for assistance.
What Dog Breeds Don't Bark? eHow - eHow How to Videos ...
www.ehow.com Pets Dogs Dog BreedsMost dogs bark as a form of communication, but some dogs are physically unable to bark, while others bark very rarely. When choosing a non-barking or seldom-barking ...
Could you recommend a small dog breed that doesn't bark much
uk.answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsLast updated: Aug 18, 2009 15 posts First post: Aug 17, 2009Aug 17, 2009 Best Answer: It is impossible to get a dog that doesnt make noise. All dogs bark- and the couple of types that dont (like the basenji) will usually howl ...
7 Dog Breeds That Bark the Most (and Why) Reader's Digest
www.readersdigest.ca/pets/breeds/7-dog-breeds-bark-most-and-whyNoisy pets can be a pain, but these are the loudest dog breeds around. From Chihuahuas to Rottweilers, we spell out the dogs that bark the most, and what you
Dog Breeds That Don't Bark - Dogs for Sale - Cats for Sale ...
www.terrificpets.com/articles/102294965.aspMost people don't think of dogs as being a non-barking animal, however there are actually several different breeds of dogs that don't produce a regular dog bark.
The 8 Dog Breeds That Bark The Most Webvet
www.webvet.com/main/2012/08/08/8-dog-breeds-bark-mostDogs bark. Thats how they communicate. But what if your dog barks incessantly? What if your dog is waking the baby up all the time or driving the neighbors crazy?
Can you recommend a small dog breed which doesn't bark excessively ...
au.answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsLast updated: Sep 14, 2006 17 posts First post: Sep 14, 2006Sep 14, 2006 Best Answer: maltese. don't bark much, dont shed, very cuddly;) the best way to prevent a yapper is to pay enough attention...these small breeds tend to
Dogs That Don't Bark a Lot That Are Good for Apartments eHow
www.ehow.com Pets Dogs Dog BreedsDogs That Don't Bark a Lot That Are Good for Apartments. Many dog breeds are capable of living in an apartment, as long as they receive sufficient exercise. Dogs
Breeds of Dogs That Shed Excessively Dog Care - The Daily
dogcare.dailypuppy.com BehaviorBreeds of Dogs That Shed Excessively by Brian Connolly. Dog Care Behavior Breeds of Dogs That Shed Excessively; Siberian huskies are among the most ...
Five Dog Breeds that Dont Bark, Much - DrMark1961 on HubPages
drmark1961.hubpages.com Selecting a Dog Choosing a Dog BreedAbout any dog will bark, but this is a list of dogs that bark less. If your dog is barking a lot, choose one of these breeds, read articles to decrease barking, or ...
Canaan Dog Breed Profile
www.dogchannel.com/canaan-dog-breed-profiles.aspxLearn all about Canaan Dog. ... Canaan Dog Sighthounds and Pariah Dog Breeds. Some old, some primitive, these dog breeds can make great pets for the pet dog owner ...
Dog breeds' tendency to bark or howl Dog Breeds Characteristic ...
dogtime.com/dog-breeds/characteristics/tendency-to-bark-or-howlDog breeds with a tendency to bark or howl. ... Dog breeds' tendency to bark or howl. See all Dog Breed Characteristics and Traits
Dog Breeds
www.k9puppydogs.com/dog-breedsSelecting from so many dog breeds with allow you to pick a "best friend" who knows all your defects and still appreciates and loves you despite them. There is a ...
Top 10 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed - A Place to Love Dogs
www.aplacetolovedogs.com/2011/12/top-10-dog-breeds-that-dont-shedShelley Mamott, Staff Writer. Many would be dog owners are hypersensitive to allergens from dogs that can trigger allergic reactions. Luckily, for these allergy ...
Dog Breeds: Dog Breed Descriptions, Information and Pictures
www.doggies.comInformation on Dog Breeds: Advice, Articles, Photos, Community Blog. Complete dog breed resource.
Small Dogs - Small Dog Breeds - Toy Dog Breeds - Toy Dogs
www.allsmalldogbreeds.comDog Breeds A to Z Small Dogs Most Popular Chihuahua (Short Coat)Discover 94 small dog breeds! Read the breed profiles, view photos & learn about the personalities and traits of each breed. There are 94 different types of small dogs.
Top Watch Dogs Breeds That Protect the Family - Page 1
www.petplace.com/dogs/top-watch-dogs-breeds-that-protect-the...For centuries, dogs have been employed as living alarms and guards. Their protective nature made them ideal to alert a family that something strange was amiss.
What is a breed that doesn't bark alot? - Yahoo! Answers
answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsLast updated: Feb 12, 2008 12 posts First post: Feb 12, 2008Feb 12, 2008 Best Answer: chihuahuas yap alot. all breeds will bark, but some not as much. Labs dont bark too much when they are well trained-sort of like your Sheltie ...
Dogs on About.com - All About Dogs and Puppies
dogs.about.comAll about dogs - Your resource for dog information, dog health, dog obedience training, dog breeds and dog adoption. Get dog info, find out if you are ready to get a ...
Dogs That Don't Shed, Non-Shedding Dog Breeds
dogsnpawz.com/dogs-that-dont-shed.htmlDogs That Don't Shed: Suffer from allergies? Want a dog? A non-shedding or hypoallergenic canine is the right pet for you. Read about the top 10.
Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DogThe domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), a member of the Canidae family of the mammalian order Carnivora. The term ...
Why did my dog do that when he knows it's bad? But does your dog ...
www.dogbreedinfo.com/articles/whybaddog.htmlWhy did my dog do that when he knows it's bad? (But does your dog really know it's bad?) Dogs are not mechanical creatures, nor are they humans.
Dogs That Don't Shed--Small, Medium and Large Breeds
www.dogchannel.com/dog-information/dog-groomer-salzberg/dog-breed...Looking for dogs that don't shed? Find a non-shedding dog with our list of dog breeds that don't shed.
What causes dogs to bark excessively? - RSPCA Australia
kb.rspca.org.au/What-causes-dogs-to-bark-excessively_309.htmlBarking is a normal behaviour for dogs and an important means of communication. However, when dogs bark excessively they become a nuisance to their owners and
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