The Chihuahua rat terrier is a mixed-breed dog that is a cross between a full Chihuahua and rat terrier. Chihuahua mixes weigh less than 10 pounds, but they can be nippy toward children and even possessive of their owners. No dog should be allowed or encouraged to bite, regardless of its size. A multiple-layered approach to obedience is necessary to train a biting or nipping Chihuahua rat terrier not to do so.
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Spay or neuter your dog to discourage aggressive or territorial behaviors.
2Socialize your dog with other dogs, pets and people. This reduces anxiety and decreases the chances of biting.
3Refrain from allowing the dog to chew or nibble on your hands. This reinforces that your hands are not chew toys.
4Leave the room when your Chihuahua begins to bite or play aggressively. "...Some people believe that it must be crucial to get dog training tips earlier to getting their pets. Some individuals may find this exciting but a lot of people might concur that this is a excellent tip to follow. The issue with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they might abandon their pets in order to reestablish their old lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have to take care of and if they have the time to coach their dogs. These hints could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By using the time to carry out correct dog training, you will get pleasure from a lifetime of peaceful companionship with your ".... This teaches the dog that playtime ends when biting begins.
5Yelp loudly when your dog nips or bites at you and quickly place a toy in your dogs mouth when he releases your hand. This replicates a littermate yelp, which tells the dog that nipping or chewing on your hand hurts you.
6Refrain from aggressive play such as tug-of-war or playfully siccing your dog on another person. This teaches that aggression toward humans is OK.
7Encourage family members to be consistent with playtime rules. This reinforces that biting is not OK with anyone.
8Train your dog by offering treats and verbal praise when it chooses to chew and play with its own toys. This reinforces good chewing behaviors.
9Consider enrolling your Chihuahua in obedience school. A well-trained canine is a worthy investment of your time, no matter how small or big the breed.
10Seek out professional obedience trainers for assistance with highly aggressive or territorial dogs.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykh-hgtf2roONE BAD 7LB BITING CHIHUAHUA... ... Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add OneBadChi 's video to your ...
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