Although you may think it's too late to crate train a 7-month-old puppy, there is hope. Under a year, many puppies can still be well-trained and taught routines through the use of crates. Crate training is popular because it teaches your puppy boundaries, can minimize bathroom accidents in the home, and provides your puppy with its very own haven in your home.
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Purchase a crate. You want a crate that is large enough for your puppy to stand and be able to spin around, but not so big that they can urinate in one part and move over to another part. If your puppy will be growing bigger, make sure to buy one that will accommodate its size when it is fully grown.
2Place the crate in an area of the home that gets a little traffic, like a kitchen or living room. Avoid keeping crates in secluded places, like a garage, as your puppy will associate the crate with being alone.
3Place a thick foam liner on the floor of the crate for support and throw in a comfy blanket for the dog to sleep on. Also toss in a toy to keep it occupied when it is locked up.
4Mount a puppy water bottle on the side of the crate, and ensure it is always supplied with fresh water. You can find these bottles at most pet shops, or if you prefer, try a no-spill water dish, which can also be found at pet shops.
5Place your puppy in the crate for the first time with the door open. Drop a treat into the back area of the crate. Your puppy may be nervous about going into the crate and will probably run out after eating the treat, but a treat will help it begin positive associations.
6Feed your puppy inside the crate, so that it begins to relate it with positive enforcement. Opt to always feed your puppy in the crate, or just do this for the first week of crate training.
7Place the crate next to your bed every night for the first week of your puppy getting used to sleeping in the crate. If you don't want to do this, leave crate in its spot and place a boom box with some soft music playing next to it. "...Lots of individuals consider that it can be crucial to get dog training tips prior to acquiring their pets. A number of people might discover this fascinating but a lot of people could agree that this is a wonderful tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be aware of them. Finally, they would probably give up their pets in order to reestablish their past lives. These dog training tips can let people find out what they should take care of and if they have the time to train their dogs. These tips will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform proper dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of relaxed a relationship with your ".... Your puppy may whine the first few nights, but this should go away within a week or two.
8Lock your puppy in the crate for about an hour a day, while you are home for the first two weeks. Go about your business, leaving the room a couple of times at least. This will help your puppy get used to the crate, and not have anxiety about being left alone in the home.
9Walk your puppy, then place it in the crate when you leave, using praise to reassure it that it isn't being punished. Drop a treat in the first couple of weeks, every time you lock it up. Playing some soft music the first few weeks will help your puppy feel less anxious. Walk your puppy again as soon as you get home.
Crate Training Puppies - Puppy Training - PuppyInTraining.com
puppyintraining.com/crate-training-puppiesI've learned many tips and tricks when it comes to crate training puppies. As a guide dog puppy raiser if there's one thing we've learned it's how to crate train a puppy.
How to Crate Train a Puppy eHow
www.ehow.com Pets Dogs Dog TrainingCrate training is very important for dogs. A crate can literally save your puppies life. Too much freedom when your pup is young and they can get into trouble. I have ...
Training a 5 month old labrador puppy tips please? - Yahoo! UK ...
uk.answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsLast updated: Dec 03, 2009 8 posts First post: Dec 01, 2009Dec 01, 2009 Best Answer: The problem with yelling at a puppy is that the thing you think you are trying to train becomes the thing the puppy won't do. For example; if ...
How to Crate Train A Puppy Pet Dreams
www.petdreams.com/crate-training/crate-training-puppiesWhy Crate Training is Great for All Dogs. Crate training is not just for puppies! See what the experts have to say about its benefits. 1) "Dogs, like their wild ...
Crate Training a Puppy at Night The Daily Puppy
www.dailypuppy.com/articles/crate-training-a-puppy-at-night_822.htmlOne of the fastest and most effective ways to housebreak your puppy is to crate-train him, according to Perfect Paws. Crate training forces your puppy to restrain ...
Crate Training a Puppy - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=B603qpXYBv4I'm crate training my 8 week old puppy and throughout the first day I gave treats when he entered the crate and prolonged his stay a little each time.
When crate training a puppy, what to do at night? - Yahoo! UK ...
uk.answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsDec 26, 2007 Best Answer: Hi Hun, pup is still very young so so she will probably still have accidents for another 2 weeks. Our boy was totally clean by 12 weeks and we ...
Puppy Crate Training - Sugarloaf Animal Hospital - Veterinary ...
www.sugarloafanimal.com/index.php?s=76Puppy Crate Training. Puppy training requires time and patience no matter what technique is used. You are teaching your puppy how to behave in a human world and
How To Crate Train a Puppy - Crate Training a Puppy - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W058M4Qdychttp://bit.ly/jf4klr - More great tips for raising a happy and healthy puppy! How To Crate Train a Puppy - Crate Training a Puppy Kathy Santo breaks down ...
Our 6 month old black lab puppy is so hyper! we are forced to
www.answerbag.com QuestionsOur 6 month old black lab puppy is so hyper! we are forced to keep her in her crate 24/7, except for about 20 minutes a day, She jumps on furniture and BITES How can ...
How To Potty Train A Puppy Completely In 7 Days - smaq on
smaq.hubpages.com Dog Housebreaking and Potty TrainingHow to potty train a puppy fast in 7 days.Complete puppy potty training.See Right Here.
House Training Your Puppy Using the Crate/Kennel Method -
voices.yahoo.com/house-training-puppy-using-crate-kennel-method...Mar 14, 2006 House Training your puppy does not have to turn into a world war. Understanding what motivates your dog and working cooperatively with his instinctive ...
Crate Training A Puppy - Puppy Crate Training 101
www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/crate-training-a-puppy.htmlCrate training a puppy is the simplest and most effective way to housebreak your puppy. Find out why puppy crate training works and how to get started right here.
Crate Training for Puppies and Dogs - Positive Dog Training
www.training-dogs.com/1796/crate-training-Wondering how to begin crate training your puppy or dog, or even whether you should? This page will tell you. Crate training gets a dog so used to being closed into a ...
Puppy Housetraining - Pet Health Care Dog and Cat Behavior ...
www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=21+1276&aid=157Housetraining your puppy is not hard. Read tips on housebreaking your dog, including crate training.
Crate Training Puppies Dogster
www.dogster.com/puppies/crate-training-puppiesA guide to training a dog to enjoy spending time in his crate or carrier.
House Training & Potty Training a Puppy or Dog: Housebreaking Puppies
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How To Train A Puppy Puppy Training Potty & House Training ...
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How to Crate Train a Golden Retriever Puppy - leahlefler on
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7-to-12-Month-Old Puppy: What to Expect Dogster
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Crate Training FAQ - The Dog Forum - A friendly online
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5 Ways to Crate Train Your Dog or Puppy - wikiHow
www.wikihow.com Pets and Animals Dogs Dog ObedienceHow to Crate Train Your Dog or Puppy. While some people view crate training as cruel and unnecessary, it's actually very beneficial and less stressful to your dog. If ...
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