Digging is a natural dog behavior for both puppies and adult dogs. But it can be expensive and frustrating when your dog continuously digs up your potted plants and you find yourself having to repot or replace the plants altogether. It can also mean a lot of time spent vacuuming and scrubbing to remove the resulting dirt that is spread throughout your home and ground into your carpets and furniture. There are a number of ways to help discourage the dog from playing in dirt inside your home.
- 1
Move as many potted plants out of the dog's reach as possible. Put small plants up on shelving or tabletops that the dog cannot reach. Move larger plants into rooms that can be closed off to the dog when it is not supervised. "...Some people think that it is crucial to get dog training tips prior to having their pets. Many people might find this exciting but a lot of people can agree that this is a great tip to follow. The problem with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they might give up their pets in order to reestablish their old lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have got to consider and if they have the time to train their dogs. These guidelines can be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to conduct appropriate dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... By removing the temptation, you can help break the behavior and begin to focus the dog's energy away from the plants.
2Provide the dog with plenty of alternatives so that it does not find itself bored and without anything to entertain itself. Toys that can be stuffed with small treats that take the dog a while to empty can keep the animal occupied for long lengths of time. Take the dog away from the plant when it looks like it might want to start digging and give it a rawhide or other type of long-lasting chew as an alternative to its digging. Praise it when it chews the rawhide rather than digging up the potted plant.
3Give the dog more exercise to alleviate some of its excess energy. If you are away from the dog for many hours every day, consider hiring a dog walker or a neighbor to walk or let out the dog once or twice during the day. This way the dog is not alone and anxious or bored throughout the day. The dog will be more relaxed and less likely to engage in destructive behavior, like digging up your potted plants.
4Make the digging experience uncomfortable for the dog. Set mouse traps without bait upside down in the plant so that when the dog inadvertently touches it it snaps and pops up in its face without the risk of getting a paw caught when the trap snaps. This should startle the dog and discourage it from coming back. If the dog is a very dedicated digger, it might need to be done more than once. Eventually the very sight of the trap should be enough to keep the dog away from the plant.
5Spray the plant and the dirt with a no-chew spray sold at pet stores. These sprays taste bad to the dog and discourage the digging. Check the manufacturer's directions to ensure that you are purchasing a product that is safe for use on plants.
How to Stop a Dog From Chewing
dogobedienceadvice.com/how_stop_dog_from_chewing.phpLearn how to stop your dog from chewing with expert dog training advice.
How to Stop a Dog from Digging eHow
www.ehow.com Pets Dogs Relating to DogsA dog that digs is not only causing a nuisance for his owner, but possibly endangering his own well-being. Dogs that dig under fences to escape and explore the world ...
How to Stop a Dog from Digging: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
www.wikihow.com Pets and Animals Dogs Dog ObedienceHow to Stop a Dog from Digging. Dogs dig for many reasons because they're bored, they smell the scent of an animal, they want to hide food, it feels satisfying to ...
How to Get a Dog to Stop Eating Dirt: Step-by-Step Instructions
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How do you stop dogs from digging. Ours loves to dig and... - Q&A
www.faqs.org/qa/qa-2996.htmlFilling in the holes: Put charcoal in the hole. Then try refilling the holes with junk. Dogs quickly lose interest and pretty much stop digging.
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How do I stop my dogs digging digging up my lawn? - Yahoo!
uk.answers.yahoo.com All Categories Pets DogsLast updated: Aug 03, 2006 32 posts First post: Aug 02, 2006Aug 02, 2006 Best Answer: I had this problem with both of my dogs.... and, sadly, there really is not a ton you can do about it. I read a book that said dogs dig out of ...
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I know this post is old, but training your dog is the only long-term solution, people.
ReplyDeleteI love my dog so much but it constantly did the things that irked me most. It would chew on things that it shouldn’t or jump up and down out of the blue.
Whenever I put on the leash, it would pull on it. Whenever it was out of the house, it would continue digging on the ground - I wish I could tell what it was looking for down there. The same goes for all the nasty urine.
All the things it did left me feeling depressed as if I failed it monumentally.
But since I discovered Brain Training 4 Dogs and applied the system offered, it now behaves the way a beautiful dog I always expect of.
I highly recommend it. Here's a link to their site. Good luck!