Dogs act according to their instincts and often, canines can be mean to each other and even get into fights. Typically, problems arise between same-sex dogs. It's essential to properly introduce the second pet in your home and assume the role of the leader of the pack to be able to prevent and manage any problems or fights between your pets. Control the feeding times and have your dogs properly trained.
- 1
Identify the reason why the dogs don't get along. Common reasons of aggression include food, toys or the invasion of territory. In some cases, the aggression of a pet is redirected, meaning that the dog cannot get something and it redirects its frustration toward the other dog.
2Remove the aggression trigger. For instance, if your dogs fight over a toy, simply take it away and take each dog to a separate room or to their crates. Ignore the dogs for five minutes and ensure they don't have any toys or activities in the rooms.
3Train your dogs to respond to a command such as "Leave it." Perform the training separately for each dog and start with a toy that your dog doesn't value much. Command your dog to leave the toy and come to you. Reward your pet if it abandons the toy.
4Gradually increase the value of the object or item your dog should abandon (e.g., food). Use the command when you want your dog to disengage in an activity as well. When both dogs respond to your command, use it when you see they start being mean to each other or fighting. Look for signals of aggression such as howling, growling or barking.
5Avoid initiating tug or wrestling games because these can lead to real fights.
6Don't give a single toy to your dogs because they are likely to fight over it.
7Give each dog treats separately. Don't just throw the treats because this might start a fight.
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