Dogs are intelligent creatures that are highly motivated to please their masters. This allows their behaviors to be molded to address and solve all sorts of problems. To effectively keep a dog from going under a recliner, two different approaches need to be taken. The dog needs to be taught what not do, and what the desired behaviors are. "...Many people assume that it is essential to get dog training tips preceding to getting their pets. Many people might find this interesting but a lot of people can agree that this is a top notch tip to follow. The challenge with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to be aware of them. Ultimately, they would probably get away from their pets in order to reestablish their old lives. These dog training tips can let people learn what they have to deal with and if they have the time to coach their dogs. These suggestions may be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to execute appropriate dog training, you will enjoy a lifetime of peaceful friendship with your "....
Training The Dog What To Do
- 1
Position dog bedding near the recliner. The exact location will vary by dog personality, but on either side of the recliner will work well for most canines.
2Stand next to the bedding and give the dog a unique, distinct and one-word command that tells it to go to this bedding (such as bed).
3Lure the dog onto the bedding with a treat. Do not give the dog the treat until the dog is on the bedding itself. Give the dog praise and additional treats for being on the bedding.
4Leave the area, get the dog to follow you, and repeat steps 1 through 3 several times in a row for three to five minutes. This comprises a single training session.
5Repeat training sessions at least three times a day for several days. Beginning on the second day, give a slight pause between the verbal command and introducing the lure. This is to allow the dog to go to the bedding without being led. Remain on this step until the dog does so.
6Increase the difficulty of the command by standing in different locations around the room. Increase the distance slowly. If the dog does not, on its own volition, go to the bedding, lure it there with a treat as per step 3.
7Increase the difficulty in a different manner. Sit in the recliner -- do not extend it -- and give the dog the command to go its bedding. If the dog does not go willingly, lure it as per step 3. Once it is used to going to its bedding when you are sitting in the recliner, repeat this step but with the recliner extended.
8Increase the difficulty in yet a different manner by placing the dog in a different starting location around the room. Again, if the dog does not willingly go to its bedding on command, lure it.
9Mix the difficulty levels. Sometimes sit near the bedding when giving the command, sometimes sit far away. Have your dog next to you when giving it the command, and sometimes have it far from you and positioned throughout the room. Continue steps 7, 8, and 9 until the dog goes to the bedding from any combination of positions.
Teaching the Dog What Not To Do
- 10
Extend the recliner (do not sit in it) and wait until the dog goes under it. In a firm, commanding voice, tell it no. Wait three seconds, then give it the command to go to its bedding. Lure the dog there, if necessary, and reward it heavily.
11Repeat step 1 several times a day for several days/weeks. Slowly reduce the rewards that the dog receives until they are eliminated completely. At the end of each session, collapse the recliner.
12Increase the difficulty by extending the recliner and then placing less-interesting treats under the recliner with the dog looking. Let the dog approach the treats, but as soon as it gets near give it a form command of no followed by the command to go to its bedding. Once it is on its bedding, praise and reward it with superior treats. Physically restrain (but do not hurt) the dog if it does not stop in its tracks at the command of no.
13Repeat step 3 several times a day for several days/weeks. Slowly reduce the rewards that the dog received until they are eliminated completely. At this point, you may sit in and recline in the chair even when not specifically training the dog, but any time the dog begins to go under the recliner, give it a firm command of no followed by the command to go to its bed.
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