Dog-on-dog aggression can cause stress for any owner. Of course you want your four-legged pal to get along with everyone, especially because aggressive dogs are sometimes euthanized. You can take comfort in knowing that dogs that attack other dogs are not necessarily going to attack people next. Aggression in dogs can fall into independent categories, with specific triggers. Consider hiring a certified trainer or behaviorist, as working with aggressive dogs can be dangerous and should not be attempted without the guidance of a professional.
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Observe your dog to see what triggers his aggression. Does he attack only larger or only smaller dogs? Does he attack when dogs come near his territory? He may be displaying dominance aggression, fear aggression or territorial aggression. Learn what triggers his aggression to gain a better understanding of how you can help him overcome it.
2Limit your dog's contact with other dogs when you or your trainer are not available to supervise. Enclose your yard in a secure privacy fence that he cannot escape from, and put him in a separate room if other dogs come into your home. Keep him on a leash outdoors and when you are not training, walk him in areas you aren't as likely to meet other dogs.
3Place a muzzle on your dog to prevent him from biting. He will still be able to breathe and possibly even bark. Stuff your pockets full of his favorite treats and walk him to an area where you know he will encounter other dogs, such as a dog park or pet store. Stop before you get close enough to the others for your dog to start behaving aggressively. He should be able to see the other dogs without feeling threatened by them. Ask him to sit and feed him treats for being calm and friendly.
4Move closer to the other dogs. When you reach the point where your dog behaves aggressively, stop. Have him sit. Wait patiently for him to do so. "...Some people think the reason is crucial to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Many people might find this interesting but a lot of people can concur that this is a very good tip to follow. The condition with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they would give up their pets in order to retrieve their previous lives. These dog training tips can let people realize what they need to deal with and if they have the time to teach their dogs. These tips may be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By using the time to perform correct dog training, you will delight in a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... Don't respond to his lunging or pulling at the least. Simply ask him to sit. When he finally does sit down, reward him immediately with treats and praise for being calm. Repeat this process at this distance, rewarding your dog for remaining calm for longer and longer periods of time, until he no longer acts aggressively toward the dogs from that distance.
5Repeat step four, gradually moving closer and closer to the strange dogs. Always have your dog sit and reward him instantly for doing so. Require him to wait longer and longer before rewarding him, and move closer only when he is consistently (for at least 10 sessions) calm at that distance. Gradually ease your dog to the point where he can be among the other dogs without acting aggressively.
6Take the muzzle off your dog and repeat steps four and five. Again, gradually move closer and close to the other dogs, always rewarding your dog for being calm and even friendly.
7Change your location. Go to a new area that your dog is unfamiliar with, but where he is still likely to encounter other dogs. Repeat steps four through six. Do this process over and over again until your dog no longer shows interest in being aggressive toward other dogs.
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