Friday, April 4, 2014

How to Stop a Dog from Dragging Back on the Leash

Taking a walk with your canine companion can be a relaxing, rewarding experience. Dogs that constantly pull on the leash make you feel frustrated instead. Large dogs can pull you off your feet or lead you in unsafe directions. A small dog wearing a collar can damage its esophagus. Dogs tend to pull toward something in which they are interested. Alternately, some dogs lack confidence and either pull toward home or refuse to walk at all. Though not as dangerous, this kind of leash pulling can be just as frustrating. You can train your dog to mind his manners while walking on leash.




    Hold the leash with just a little bit of slack, so there is no tension as long as your dog is by your side.


    Give a command such as "let's go" or "heel." Use the command you choose exclusively to tell your dog to walk right beside you.


    Start walking immediately after giving the command.


    Stop walking the instant the leash becomes taut.


    Wait for your dog to look at you. Praise it as soon as it looks at you.


    Take a few steps to get your dog to come toward you. Praise it and give it a treat as soon as it is next to you.


    Give your command from step 2 and start walking again. Repeat these steps any time your dog pulls on the leash.


    Remember that you may go only a few steps before your dog starts pulling, especially at first, but your dog will pull less and less the more the process is repeated. Have patience. Avoid yelling and disciplining your dog. You want it to learn that being at your side while walking is rewarding.

Reluctance to Walk


    Choose a quiet location to walk. "...Lots of individuals believe that it can be crucial to get dog training tips earlier to getting their pets. Some individuals might find this interesting but a lot of people might recognize that this is a wonderful tip to follow. The problem with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to take care of them. Finally, they might get away from their pets in order to retrieve their previous lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have to consider and if they have the time to coach their dogs. These tips could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform correct dog training, you will get pleasure from a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... Avoid busy areas until your dog develops confidence.


    Pat your leg and use short forward tugs on the leash to encourage your dog to walk by your side. If it responds, praise it enthusiastically.


    Carry your dog's favorite treats with you. Encourage it to walk forward by holding treats in front of its nose. Give it a treat every few steps, then gradually reduce the frequency of the reward.


    Stop a few feet in front of your dog when it freezes. Wait. Reward it with a treat at any sign of moving toward you. Take a few steps in the direction you want to go, then wait again. Continue to praise and reward your dog for forward movement.

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