To maintain control over your puppy--and possibly to save its life--you must train it. A puppy who runs away can be hit by a car, attacked by another dog, or be permanently lost. Teaching your puppy not to run away takes a combination of training methods. The goal is to show your dog that being next to you, checking in with you, and coming to you are all wonderful things. Work with your puppy only when you are in a good mood since dogs can sense frustration. A positive voice and lots of praise make training fun.
Heeling Without a Leash
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Select a treat that your puppy really enjoys and keep it in your hand while you stand next to your dog. Always work with your dog on the same side, either to your left or to your right.
2Let your puppy smell the treat and begin walking. As you walk, your puppy will lick and nibble on the treat. Continue until the dog is used to walking at your side for at least ten seconds at a time.
3Raise the dog treat to your waist as you walk. When your puppy becomes distracted, place the treat in front of its nose to return its attention to you. "...Lots of individuals believe the reason is essential to get dog training tips prior to getting their pets. Lots of people may find this interesting but a lot of people may concur that this is a excellent tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to take care of them. Ultimately, they could give up their pets in order to reestablish their previous lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they need to handle and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These guidelines could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to execute proper dog training, you will delight in a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... Allow the dog to nibble the treat before returning it to your waist. Continue walking throughout the exercise.
4Make unexpected turns to keep your puppy alert to your presence. Give lots of praise and bites of the treat when your puppy follows you.
Keep Your Puppy Aware of You
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Take your puppy outdoors on a long leash to prevent it from running off during this exercise. Allow your puppy to wander a bit to smell objects and play.
6Tighten the leash as soon as your puppy comes back toward you. Do not tighten it too much--just enough to take back any slack. Do not call the puppy during this exercise.
7Give your puppy a treat and copious praise when it comes back to you. Repeat this exercise in different locations. This will teach your dog to check in with you by returning to your side frequently while exploring.
Teach the Recall Command
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Show your puppy a treat and then put it in a sit-stay (if you have trained it to do so) or have a helper hold your dog while you walk away about 20 feet.
9Kneel down, show your puppy that delicious treat, and open your arms. Call your dog by name. If someone is holding your dog, he needs to let go as soon as you open your arms.
10As your puppy runs to you, continue shaking that treat in an enticing manner and give plenty of praise until it reaches you. Be enthusiastic and happy that your puppy came to you. Repeat frequently and in different locations.
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