Before you use household remedies to stop your dog from licking its paws, you need to visit the vet and find out if there is a medical reason for the licking. Ask your vet to check the dog for sores or lumps that require professional medical attention before you try home remedies. If no medical issues are found, you need to find ways to change the behavior of your dog. Stay calm and consistent when working with your dog and you'll soon see positive results.
Dogs often lick their feet when they're itching. This itching is commonly caused by allergies. Since fleas are the most common allergen for dogs, make sure your dog has a good flea and tick collar or preventative treatment plan in place. Cut up a flea collar and put it in your vacuum bag. Thoroughly vacuum your floors and furniture to help eliminate fleas in your home. Immediately throw out your vacuum bag or thoroughly clean your bagless container. Repeat this process monthly.
Inspect your dog's paws. Look for dirt clots, pebbles, slivers or thorns. Gently clean between the paw pads and toes. If your dog is licking because of an irritation, eliminating the irritation will allow the paws to heal and your dog will be less likely to lick its paws. If your dog spends several hours outside or you have a lot of gravel or mulch in the area, you'll want to do this daily, otherwise weekly should be frequently enough.
Licking can be a behavioral or boredom problem. When you see your dog licking its paws, redirect its attention by calling it to you, petting it or playing with it. Just like you redirect a toddler's attention, distracting your dog with toys it can lick and chew on will satisfy the need in an acceptable manner. Stay consistent and be prepared; it'll take time to retrain your dog to stop licking its paws.
Put a cone on your dog. Cones are large, plastic shells that fit around the neck of your dog and get wider as it moves away from your dog. By putting a cone on your dog, you make it impossible for your dog to reach its paws, eliminating its ability to lick them. Leave the cone on for two to three weeks. If you take it off too soon, the habit of licking its paws isn't likely to be broken. Give it the time needed for the habit to be broken.
How to Stop a Dog From Licking the Paws eHow Pets Dogs Dog HealthAlthough dogs occasionally lick their paws to clean them, repeating licking of paws signals a problem. The dog encounters discomfort not only from the problem causing ...
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Apr 20, 2012 For all that a dog is & all that a dog can be. To strengthen our bond with dogs. To help mitigate injustice. Dogs are very intelligent,
Stop Dogs Licking Paws, Feet and Carpet Excessively Dogs and Dog Breeds Dog BehaviorDiscover why many dogs lick their paws, legs, carpet, floors, bedding excessively. Learn to identify the cause. Best treatment, prevention options
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Stop Your Dog Licking His Paws by Understanding Lick 08, 2010 Constant paw licking can be the result of an obsessive-compulsive disorder in dogs, called Lick Granuloma. Learn more about this obsessive paw licking
How to Stop Dog Paw Licking - Where to start dog owner's guide to dog paw licking. How to tell if it's psychological or caused by allergies, mites, fungus or something else.
Stop Your Dog From Licking and Chewing His Paws 30, 2009 A common problem of all dog owners is their dogs licking their paws. Why do some dogs lick or chew their paws? There are several reasons so let's list
Products to Help a Dog Stop Licking Its Paws eHow Pets Dogs Dog HealthDogs lick their paws either out of habit or because of medical problems such as allergies and infections. The reason behind why you dog is licking its paws will ...
Why is My Dog Chewing and Licking His Paws? Suite101 25, 2013 Wondering why your dog is licking or chewing his paws? This is a common symptom of paw pad injury or allergies, in particular, food allergies in dogs.
Home Remedies for Dogs: Animal Planet a trip to the vet with home remedies for dogs that deal with everything from fleas to foxtails. Check out these dog-care tips.
How to Stop Dog Paw Licking dog owner's guide to chronic dog paw licking. Our hope is to help alleviate suffering by providing information and resources.
Dog Repellent Home Remedy - Homemade and Effective Dogs and Dog BreedsStray dogs can be annoying - damaging lawns, gardens, making a mess you have to clean up. Discover fabulous, effective dog repellent home remedies.
How to Stop Dog Paw Licking - Where to start dog owner's guide to dog paw licking. How to tell if it's psychological or caused by allergies, mites, fungus or something else.
Why is my dog licking pads of feet, chewing his fur between his ...
dogs-and-paws.comInformation and medication suggestions for canine paw care as well as injuries, chewing paws, dog licking pads of feet all day long and nail fungus
Dog Paw Licking and what you can do about it
pawlicking.comHelp for dogs licking paws. What you should know before and after you visit your veterinarian.
can i give my dog benadryl for itchy paws? - Q&A, you can give benadryl to dogs. Dosage is 10 mg for dogs under 30lbs, 25mg for dogs 30-50lbs, and 50mg for dogs over 50lbs. I hope this helps you dogs!
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www.stopdogitching.comJust what causes all the intense itching in your dog? Find the most common reasons, as well as the best ways to get them to stop scratching all the time.
Dog Paw Licking Triggers - Why is my dog licking his paws? to stop dog paw licking and chewing. A list of possible causes and how to treat them.
A Bath as Home Remedy to Dog Itching cold shower usually eases the itching for a while. If the skin is dry, the itching is worst. For this reason you must keep it clean and moist. If you bath him with ...
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