Agility is a sport for dogs. The canines are expected to maneuver their way through an obstacle course, being judged on time and speed. One of these obstacles is the chute. This is an 8-foot to 12-foot tunnel that begins with a circular opening but ends in a loose fabric tube; it's the dog's task to find a way out. If you would like to train your pet up to compete in a dog agility competition or would like to simply treat to your dog to a new toy, building a chute is not as hard it sounds.
- 1
Clear a large space on the floor and lay out one of the sheets of fabric.
2Cut an 11 1/2-inch strip from one of the sides of the material so that it now measures 60 inches by 49 1/2 inches. Discard the strip.
3Locate the corner of the side that you just cut. Measure 3/4 of an inch along the cut edge and stick a pin at this point. Repeat this step with the other corner in the cut side of the fabric so that there are now two pins along the edge which have 48 inches between them.
4Sit next to the side opposite the cut edge. Measure 8 inches along this edge from one of the corners and stick a pin here. "...Most people believe that it is necessary to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Some individuals might find this fascinating but a lot of people might agree that this is a very good tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be aware of them. Eventually, they could give up their pets in order to reestablish their old lives. These dog training tips can let people understand what they have got to take care of and if they have the time to teach their dogs. These tips will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By taking the time to carry out proper dog training, you will delight in a lifetime of peaceful companionship with your ".... Do this again for the last remaining corner, so that there are two pins that are 33 inches apart.
5Fold from the first pin that you inserted on the cut edge to the pin closest to it on the uncut side. Press this fold down with a warm iron. Don't iron nylon, it will melt. Unfold the fabric.
6Repeat the previous step with the remaining two pins.
7Cut the fabric along these folds, but add an extra 3/4 of an inch toward the sides, which you will use as a seam. The fabric will now be uneven, measuring 49 1/2 inches at one side, with the opposite side measuring 34 1/2 inches.
8Repeat steps 1 to 8 with the second piece of fabric.
9Place the two pieces of fabric on top of each other so their edges are parallel. Place four pins at the wide end and another four at the small end to keep them together.
10Place a pin every 4 or 5 inches down the sides. Make sure to do this 3 quarters of an inch in from the edge.
11Sew down the sides of the fabric, between the series of pins and the edge.
12Remove all of your pins.
13Push the narrow end of the fabric through a 20-inch hula hoop. Bring about 2 inches of this end back over the hoop and hem it all of the way round. Now the hoop is hidden by the material.
How To Make a Four Strand Round Braid Dog Leash From Paracord
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How to Build Your Own Dog Agility Equipment eHow
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DIY Dog Agility A-Frame - Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY
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How to Build a Dog Agility Course: Step-by-Step Instructions
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How to Make: Dog Agility Jump! - YouTube
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Dog Kennels, Tunnels, Chutes, Jumps & Canine Agility Equipment
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How To Make a Four Strand Round Braid Dog Leash From Paracord
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North American Dog Agility Council, LLC. (NADAC)
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Dog Agility Equipment, Agility Tunnels, Agility Chute, Agility Jumps
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Dog Agility Tunnels, Dog Agility Chutes
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How to build Backyard Agility Equipment -- Piece a cake!
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