Training your dog to not roam out of your yard or not to chew on the couch cushions can be a difficult task. Electronic dog collars and fences are one way to train your dogs to follow the rules and obey the boundaries that you set for them. There are dog-safe electronic collars and fences designed to train dogs of all shapes and sizes.
Ultra Smart Contain 'N' Train
The Ultra Smart Contain 'N' Train from Innotek is a combination electronic dog fence and collar. The kit is designed to teach your dog boundaries by giving a stern warning or a gentle shock if it strays too far. The kit works with a collar that can also be controlled remotely, letting you give your dog the same warning or shocks if you see them acting out in other ways like digging holes or chewing furniture. The kit has been proven safe for animals more than 5 pounds, and as of April, 2011 is available for $349.95.
Comfort-Fit Deluxe Little Dog In-Ground Fence System
The Comfort-Fit Deluxe Little Dog In-Ground Fence System from PetSafe is an electronic collar and dog fence designed specifically for smaller dogs. The electronic collar has four different levels of correction, including an audio warning option. The collar has a range of 25 acres, is waterproof, lightning-proof and is designed for comfort using PetSafe's "QuickFit" buckle for quick release and a good fit. The kit also comes with an instructional DVD in addition to its manual.
SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence
The SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence is for bigger dogs that roam around a lot of land. The fence is designed for dogs weighing more than 10 pounds and can cover up to 100 acres of land. The collar is waterproof and has four different levels of electrical correction plus a warning tone and vibration setting. The kit also comes with a wire-break warning for the collar letting you know when you need to rewire your system.
Field 90 G3 EXP
The Field 90 G3 EXP is an electronic dog collar from TRI-TRONICS. TRI-TRONICS is a company that specializes in training equipment for hunting dogs. The Field 90 G3 EXP is designed to be used either with sport dogs or at home. "...Some people believe the reason is necessary to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Many people might find this exciting but a lot of people might agree that this is a great tip to follow. The challenge with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to take care of them. Ultimately, they could abandon their pets in order to reestablish their past lives. These dog training tips can let people understand what they should handle and if they have the time to teach their dogs. These suggestions can be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By taking the time to perform appropriate dog training, you will enjoy a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... The Field 90 G3 EXP can provide either continuous or momentary stimulation with up to six different levels of intensity, with an audio stimulation option also available. The remote has a one-button design making it easy to navigate between options. The Field 90 G3 EXP sells for $359 as of April 2011.
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Invisible fences for dogs are often effective for dogs. Some people have chosen a more electric fence because they are more likely to keep the dog in their yard than any other option. An Invisible fence can cause severe pain when dogs cross a buried electrical wire. The injury must be serious and complete and painful to keep dogs from crossing the border. For electric fence we have to use good invisible fence rechargeable batteries. So that electric fence will run better.