The cane corso is becoming popular for its regal appearance, intelligence and strong desire to protect its family. Originally a property guardian and boar hunter found only in southern Italy, this mastiff has been featured throughout Italian art and literature. Today it's gaining acceptance among dog owners around the world. Its protective nature can make training a cane corso a challenge. Consistency and patience with training and socialization, along with daily exercise, will ensure that the cane corso develops into a reliable companion and watchdog for your family.
- 1
Enroll your dog in obedience classes. They provide a safe and stimulating environment for your dog to socialize and learn. They also help you establish your leadership role.
2Invite one or two friends with calm, non aggressive dogs to your home. Reward positive behaviors such as friendly greetings and play.
3Avoid taking your dog to dog parks until you're confident that it will interact with other dogs and people in a safe and friendly manner. It can usually take a month or two of socialization for you to learn your dog's signs of fear and discomfort. When you do go to the park, monitor your dog closely and remove it from uncomfortable situations before they escalate into confrontations.
- 4
Establish a leadership role with your dog by taking daily walks together. You should walk at a steady pace with your posture communicating control: head up, shoulders back, with your dog next to or behind you. If your dog pulls ahead, stop moving and direct your dog from the collar back to the correct position and wait until you have its full attention before continuing. Repeat this until the dog remains in its position.
5Avoid playing dominance games like tug-o-war for the first few months of ownership or training. Dogs use these games to establish a pecking order among their pack, and to deny the play shows the dog that your leadership is already determined.
6Use a sit and stay command before setting the dog's food down or throwing its ball. Making your cane corso work for its food and play maintains your control.
Correction and Reward
- 7
Use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise to encourage the behaviors you wish to see in your dog. The cane corso is a highly intelligent breed with a strong desire to bond with its owner, so it usually responds best to positive encouragement.
8Discourage negative behaviors by asserting nonviolent leadership and disengaging from the dog. For example, train the dog not to jump by moving forward into its space rather than backing away and then ignoring the dog until it's calm.
9Avoid violent corrections. "...Lots of individuals think that it is crucial to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Lots of people could find this fascinating but a lot of people may recognize that this is a top notch tip to follow. The situation with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be cautious of them. Eventually, they would probably get away from their pets in order to bring back their old lives. These dog training tips can let people learn what they have got to deal with and if they have the time to train their dogs. These tips could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By using the time to conduct appropriate dog training, you will enjoy a lifetime of relaxed friendship with your ".... The cane corso is a guardian breed that's naturally nonviolent, but it will protect itself and its family against perceived threats. Using physical or verbal violence as a correction could cause the cane corso to perceive you as a potential threat, undermining its trust and making training more difficult.
Cane Corso Dog Training
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How to Train a Cane Corso Dog Training
www.dogbehavioronline.com/how-to-train-a-cane-corsoThe Cane Corso has gained a great deal of popularity in recent years. A poorly socialized Cane Corso will become too aggressive and may lose its composure even to the ...
Cane Corso Training - How to train a Cane Corso - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK0Y33SWJDsLearn how to train a Cane Corso here: http://obedient-dog.net/dog-breeds/ca... Cane Corso training will be easy if you follow the bases of a positive train ...
Cane Corso Training Secrets - How To Train a Cane Corso
obedient-dog.net/dog-breeds/cane-corso-training-secrets.htmlHow To Have Your Cane Corso Obey Your Every Command With The Easiest, Step-By-Step Dog Training System Available - Start Seeing Results The Very First Day!
Cane Corso Training Savvy
www.canecorsosavvy.comCane Corso training advice from the experts. Also Cane Corso training, obedience and care information. Find out more...
Meatball (Cane Corso) Boot Camp Dog Training demo - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj81RBQfog0Meatball (Cane Corso) completed the Neuman K-9 Academy Boot Camp for dogs. This program covered obedience commands to sit, stay, down, heel, come when ...
Cane Corso - Canada's Guide to Dogs
www.canadasguidetodogs.com/cane.htmCane Corso. The Canada's Guide to Dogs website is the ultimate online resource for information about dogs in Canada and around the world. Breed information, breeders ...
>> Cane Corso - Free Training Course on Cane Corsos
www.trainpetdog.com/Cane-Corso/about-cane-corso.htmlGain insight into Cane Corso dog breed Breed Characteristics, common Diseases. Know how to Exercise, Train & Care for your dog.
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Cane Corso Italiano Breeders - Canada's Guide to Dogs - Cane Corso ...
www.canadasguidetodogs.com/misc/cane_breeders.htmCane Corso Italiano. Canada's Guide to Dogs is the ultimate online resource for information about dogs in Canada and around the world. Breed information, breeders ...
Shipley Cane Corso's Cane Corso Puppies Just another ...
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Best Dog Search - Cane Corso Cane Corso breeders
www.bestdogsearch.com/listings/cane-corso.php?id=51The Cane Corso is a muscular dog that is native to Sicily. This robust dog has great strength and working ability. Originally used to hunt large game and as a cattle ...
Cane Corso Breed Information - Pet Health The Internet's
www.vetstreet.com Dogs Breeds Mixes and MoreEverything you want to know about the Cane Corso, including grooming, training, health problems, history, adoption, finding a good breeder, and more.
Dog Obedience Training Tips For Your Dog
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How to Stop Puppy Biting & Dog Training Tips Obedient-Dog.net
www.obedient-dog.netDog training tips and advice on how to stop puppy biting
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Cane Corso Puppies, Cane Corso breeders, Italian Mastiff, Cane Corso
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Cane Corso Dog Breed Sleeping Dogs
sleepingdogsgallery.blogspot.com/2012/12/cane-corso-dog-breed.htmlDec 24, 2012 All about the Cane Corso Italiano.. The Cane Corso or Cane Corso Italiano makes a wonderful breed of dogs if taken care of well and socialized from an ...
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