Dog training comes with a bit of practice. If you always spend time with your pup on the couch, the chance to cuddle with your dog presents a challenge when he suddenly backs off. Dogs develop behaviors in different ways, but with careful kindness and time, you can remedy your dog's inability to sleep in bed or watch a Saturday night movie on the sofa.
Old Age
At a certain age, dogs lack the flexibility and strength necessary to jump up. Your dog also may suffer from arthritis or another injury that prevents it from stepping up on its hind legs. Your dog's vet can provide more information and diagnose paw pain or strain in the tendons. In the meantime, you may have to pick your old friend up and place him next to you on the couch or bed.
Bad Experiences
Dogs may have bad memories of being on furniture. Perhaps another family member gave your dog a lesson without your knowledge. Dogs remember punishments just as they remember rewards. Maybe another family member or roommate is bothered by the dog being on the couch. The dog's sudden fear may be a reaction to a disciplining from a second master. In general, don't ever hit a dog or place newspaper on top of furniture if you want the dog to come to you while sitting in bed or on a chair. Additionally, spraying dogs with water also leaves them confused. If you need help training your dog, many books and trainers offer professional advice.
Puppy Problems or Injuries
Puppies may have more trouble getting on furniture than older dogs. If your couch is too high or you recently bought new furniture, the dog may lack the muscular strength to jump high enough. Your puppy also may feel insecure about jumping without being able to see over the top of the furniture. If you help your puppy by offering a hand, such as by supporting its midsection as it jumps, you teach the puppy how to jump up; reward it with petting or a treat. Other dogs may have a health issue preventing them from jumping up on furniture. If you notice the dog's legs shaking as it stands to get up on the furniture or other strange movement behaviors, then a veterinarian may have more answers about what ails your canine friend.
Pack Rivalry
If you recently added another pet to your family, your dog may be experiencing territory rivalry with the other animal. Your dog may have learned that the piece of furniture is now another dog's sleeping spot or a cat's napping zone, and now it feels afraid to encroach on the territory. If your dogs and cats constantly battle about places in the house, one idea is to keep all pets off of the furniture, to alleviate any territory issues. However, if you want your dog to cuddle with you in bed, then you may have to isolate the other animal causing the territory issues.
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Dog Training Blog - Dog Training Information - Dog Training ...
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Why does my dog... Questions, Answers, Polls & Debates
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My Dog is scared of thunder and fireworks. What can I do to
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Why does my dog chew everything? - Cushionguy.com - High ...
www.cushionguy.com/infochewing.htmlInformation and solutions for pet owners to correct destructive chewing behaviors. Defines why dogs and puppies chew, and some methods of correcting it.
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